Camping Equipment Rentals
This is the same equipment that we use to outfit our trips. High quality and durable, and it works with our kayaks. Reserve ahead!
*Additional charge will be applied to items returned dirty/broken depending upon cost to clean, repair, or replace.
All Camping Tents
High-quality dome & A-frame style tents. 2, 3, and 4 person options.
$10 - 1 Day/24 hours
$5 - each additional 24 hours
Soft-Sided Cooler
These are thinly insulated coolers meant to fit in the hatch of a kayak. They can keep items reasonably cool for 24 hours if kept with ice or frozen items. After 24 hours they work fine to keep temperatures from fluctuating too much. Use perishable items first.
Good for a group up to 6 for 3-4 days.
$5 - 1 Day/24 hours
$2 - each additional 24 hours
Good for a group day or 1 night trip to keep the main perishable items cool.
$3 - 1 Day/24 hours
$1 - each additional 24 hours
Coleman 2 Burner Propane Stove
These will only fit in our tandem and triple kayaks. Great for group cooking.
$8 - 1 Day/24 hours
$4 - each additional day
Propane Canisters
Good for 1-2 days for a group of 6, depending upon use.
$4 each