Our home and office both run off of solar energy, but the best strategy is to keep it small and simple.
When I started Lost Creek Adventures & Outdoor School my main goal was to get people outside and interacting with nature. You wouldn't know it now, but our main offering at the beginning was traditional skills such as wilderness survival and woodscraft, however as our paddling offerings grew in momentum it soon became obvious that the adventure side of the business would take on a life of it's own.
With this growth we are always in a balance between what makes a living and what makes a life, not just for us and our business, but for our guests and the community that we live in. We want to stay personal, and always improve our service to our guests, the environment and our local community.
“Responsible tourism is tourism which: minimizes negative social, economic and environmental impacts; generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities; improves working conditions and access to the industry.”
The Cape Town Declaration (from the Responsible Tourism Partnership, preceding the World Summit on Sustainable Development)
Living Local
One of the most satisfying (and unexpected) aspects of owning Lost Creek has been the appreciation we receive from our community and local businesses. Luckily we enjoy the complimentary vs. competition. The little village of Cornucopia is such a unique place, and like many small towns it runs the risk of growth. We live where we work, and though some change is inevitable, we don't want to make it into somewhere else.
Our Commitment To Sustainable Tourism
We also feel that it is important to reduce our impact on our environment. I've always been a strong believer in "doing less is doing more" when it comes to sustainability. Or in other words, efficient use of materials and resources. Repairing over replacing. Driving as little as possible and purchasing items that will last longer and re-sell rather than go to the dump.
Our Commitment to 'Ed-Venturing'
All of our staff — from repairs, shop representatives, to guides — undergo customer service training, interpretive training, and safety/rescue training. We consider ourselves first and foremost EDUCATORS. When you join us for a trip or class, the hope is that you leave with a better understanding of the amazing natural and cultural history of our area, and of course, outdoor skills and safety.
Our Commitment to Equality in Adventuring
Since our beginnings we have given to local and regional non-profits, fund-raisers, and provide discounts to organizations serving the under-privileged. We also offer in-house Scholarship opportunities so that all have the opportunity to join us. Getting outdoors is so important, now more than ever, and we will continue to find ways to help those who are need it the most.
Thank you for your interest in how and why Lost Creek is here for you. We are always looking for new ideas and feedback, so don't hesitate to reach out!