Sea Kayaking Training Courses, Assessments & Certifications
Improve your paddling skills and knowledge quickly, with personal coaching and lessons focused on your specific interests and needs, From novice to advanced paddlers, first timers to instructor certifications, we offer something to fit your needs.
All of our course instructors are American Canoe Association certified, so your course can count towards a future assessment or certification.
Introductory Safety Course (Skill Level 1)
We require all renters pass this or an equivalent course before renting sea kayaks from us. To pass you must flip over, get out from an upside down kayak, and be able to climb back into your boat in deep water. You can not rent to you if unable do so, and no refund on the course or rental is provided. Prior to registering you will want to read more about the Safety Course and all that is involved.
During these 3+ hours you will learn foundational knowledge and skills to keep you safe while sea kayaking, including how to plan for and predict wind, waves and weather, learn how to recognize hazards & make safe decisions, get tips on safe paddling technique, and practice methods for self-rescue and rescuing others.
$65 per person, includes equipment for the course. $20 additional per person if not renting from us. View payment & refund policies
Read more about Sea Kayak Rentals and visit our Rental Reservation Information page for more information and to fill out the rental request form.

Sea Kayaking Essentials (Skill Level 2)
A fun paddling class that goes beyond our level 1 'Introductory Safety Course' to hit the finer points of touring in a sea kayak. Great for beginners or self-taught intermediates, our curriculum includes proper paddling technique, bracing to prevent capsize, rescue options, and foundational knowledge addressing weather, wind and waves. Course venue will be in relatively calm waters, since the curriculum is meant for paddlers traveling in mellow wind, waves and tide conditions. This course will cover the American Canoe Association Level 2 'Essentials of Kayak Touring' curriculum. Provide your own equipment or rent from us at the reduced price of $40/ day. No dates currently scheduled. Contact us with interest.
$125 per person. View payment & refund policies

Sea Kayaking Further (Skill Level 3)
Sea Kayaking Further goes beyond our Essentials course to prepare you for overnight sea kayaking trips and paddling in more challenging sea conditions, with wind up to 10 knots and waves up to 2 feet. (So if we have waves during the day of your course, we'll get out and play in them!) We'll work on advanced strokes with application in sea caves and rocky areas, and may introduce the roll depending upon interest. This course will cover the American Canoe Association Level 3 'Strokes & Rescues' curriculum. You must provide your own equipment or rent from us at the reduced price of $40/ day. No dates currently scheduled. Contact us with interest.
$125 per person. View payment & refund policies

Coastal Kayak Comprehensive (Skill Level 3)
4 Day Skills Immersion!
May 20-23, 2025
An immersive skills experience designed to boost the confidence of novice to intermediate paddlers. This 4 day course will teach and test your ability in wind and waves, and as an added bonus, includes an American Canoe Association Level 3 Skills Assessment and rolling clinic. Normally these are all separate classes. You must provide your own equipment or can rent from us at the reduced price of $40/ day.
$460 for 4 full days of training and the assessment exam. Contact us to create custom dates for your group.

Advanced Sea Kayaking (Skill Level 4)
This course is for those who already have sea kayaking experience in waves and wind, and formal instruction in basic strokes and rescues at a minimum. We'll hope for wind 10-15mph and waves 2-4 feet to practice our strokes, rescues, braces, and we'll work on your roll, depending upon interest. This course also covers the American Canoe Level 4 'Open Water' curriculum. You must provide your own equipment or you can rent from us at the reduced price of $40/ day. No dates currently scheduled. Contact us with interest.
$125 per person. View payment & refund policies

American Canoe Association
Sea Kayaking Assessments & Certifications
A great way to know where your current paddling skills are at while receiving valuable coaching to get you to the next level. Though an assessment still provides paddling instruction, it differs from a class in that the assessment actually 'tests' your abilities. For this reason many paddling programs use the skills assessment to confirm the skills of their staff, and the ACA requires that you pass an assessment prior to attending an Instructor Certification course.
Trip Leader Trainings & Assessments
While the Skills Assessment is specific to paddling ability, the Trip Leader Assessment is about leadership and risk management. Many outfitters are moving to this training because candidates are assessed on safety and leadership in addition to paddling ability.
Instructor Certification Workshops
The ACA continues to vet curriculum to bring you current best practices in paddling instruction. Instructor certification is for those interested in developing as an outdoor educator.
Kayaking Instructor Updates
The update meets the 4 year requirement for instructors to keep their current level of certification.

ACA Kayak Rolling Instructor Endorsement
The ACA Kayak Rolling Instructor Endorsement is for current Level 2 or 3 Coastal or Whitewater Kayaking Instructors to learn how to teach rolling, and enables instructors to be insured while teaching ACA specific rolling classes.
Because this is a course focused on teaching the roll, participants should already be proficient with their personal rolling ability from at least one side of their kayak. Read more about the course curriculum on our Blog. You must provide your own equipment or rent.
$125. Group rates are available. View payment & refund policies

Custom Coaching
Save time and choose your dates with an personalized education session specifically for you or your small group.
Our instructors have worked with individuals, families, and groups such as the National Park Service, Colleges, Resorts, and the Boy Scouts. We can also travel to you.
Finally Learn how to ROLL
Or Choose a CUSTOM DATE for one of our above CLASSES
3 hours for 1 person - $195
3 hours for 2-3 people - $270
3 hours for 4-5 people - $325
Full day* for 1 person - $390
Full day* for 2-3 people - $540
Full day* for 4-5 people - $625
*6 hours instruction + breaks
You must provide your own equipment or rent from us at the reduced price of $40/ day for a single sea kayak and gear.

Rough Water Weekend
October 3-6, 2025
We're teaming up with our friends at Whitecap Kayak to offer 4 days of intermediate to advanced sea kayak instruction!
This is a mini-symposium which allows participants to choose from several options each day, from less to more intense, and it all depends upon the conditions that we get.
RWW is open to anyone with intermediate to advanced sea kayaking ability. We are also offering current ACA instructors the option to gain a level four Assessment, Upgrade, or Update at no extra charge! Read more in our blog
Rock Gardening
Rescues in caves, wind, and waves
General paddling in conditions
Register Now - $400 includes all instruction, free camping, and community dinners. View payment & refund policies