Sit On Top Kayak & SUP Rental Information & Policies
Please read our reservation and cancellation policies below, and contact us if you still have questions.
Renting paddling equipment means that you are going out on the water without one of our guides who has extensive rescue training and knowledge of weather patterns and wave conditions for our area. Before heading out you will want to be confident that you have the experience to handle potentially hazardous conditions or emergencies. By renting you agree to assume all risk and liability to you, your group or family, and to the equipment that you are renting.
When you arrive at our shop you will be required to read, understand, and sign our Rental Liability and Agreement form to signify that you agree to these terms. Accepting liability includes responsibility for damage or loss of equipment which can be very costly. Let us know if you would like a copy of this document to read before registering and we will email it to you.
What are some "what if" situations you should be prepared for when out in the islands?
Medical emergencies & evacuations in a remote area.
Limited cell phone reception
Hazardous weather/wind/cold/heat.
Equipment breakage & loss
Capsize and swimming scenarios
Animal interactions (rare) and biting bugs (common)
Lack of potable water
Group & family trip organizers
If you are in charge of a group you will want to communicate these policies to all group members. Remember, you as the group leader will be liable for the actions of those in your group. Communication with group members also informs your group regarding reimbursement expectations for the cost of the rental, and in case of breakage or loss you will want to decide what will happen. (For example: If someone breaks or loses a boat it could cost your group hundereds of dollars to replace. Will you accept full responsibility? Or would the user? Or maybe the group would share the expense evenly? Who has homeowners/renters insurance that would help? or would your credit card cover it?)
Information Regarding Minors
Parent or guardian must be present and responsible for children. No supervision is provided by LCA.
Cancellations & Refunds
It is important to understand that not showing up for your rental period is equivalent to cancelling. There will be no discounts offered for late arrivals due to a missed ferry, car break-down, etc. However, there are situations where cancellations are unavoidable and so Lost Creek Adventures is happy to offer a reasonable cancellation policy:
Sit on top kayaks and stand up paddleboards
You must notify us at least 24 hours in advance of your rental start time to cancel or change your reservation.
Within 24 hours of your scheduled rental we do not offer a refund, UNLESS we cancel your reservation due to safety reasons. Lost Creek Adventures may cancel/refund your reservation for the following reasons:
You or we were able to find other people to rent your equipment.
We had an unforeseeable loss of equipment and are unable to provide for your needs. (In this case we would do our best to find alternate equipment for you.)
Hazardous wind or other weather concerns are predicted in advance, or apparent at the start time of your rental.
Group/Family Reservations: This applies to any time that you are responsible for and paying for more than yourself. Groups and organizations are liable for the complete payment for the number of participants you registered, even if less participants show up than you planned on. Our cancellation timeline applies to all members.
Disqualifications: Lost Creek Adventures Staff reserve the right to disqualify at any time a member of a trip or class who is determined to be mentally or physically unfit to continue due to safety or behavioral issues, with no refund offered. If you have questions regarding a disability please contact us prior to registering.
Pricing Specials & Discounts
Price Guarantee
We will match any reasonable price on an equivalent paddling tour or retail item.
Store Specials
Check out our online store for current sales. It might be cheaper to buy used than rent!